Add new target for security assessment

Anussha Hari

Last Update vor 4 Monaten

Targets are the websites and web applications that you would like to scan using eCyLabs security center platform. Adding a new target URL increases your coverage and helps find vulnerabilities.

When you login to eCylabs Security Center and onboard an application, then you can start performing actions on your application.

To Add New Target:

  1. Login to the eCyLabs security center platform.
  2. Navigate to the header menu and click the "+" icon to add a new target.
  3. Enter the Project name of your application.
  4. Enter the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the target website you want to scan.
  5. Click the "Add" button to onboard the application.
  6. If the URL is valid it redirects to the appflow page.
  7. On the Appflow page, you can set up your desired test criteria to customise the security assessment. For detailed guidance on test criteria, please refer to the document provided. Link:- Appflow
  8. Once you've designed your test plan, head to the Applications page. There, you'll find detailed information about your newly added application. Link:- Applications

On the application onboarding page you can:

 1. Add a domain

Here, you can add your domain name and URL to confirm it’s a registered application.

How you can use it:

1.1. Login to eCyLabs Security Center.

1.2. Click on applications from the side menu.

1.3. Click on the cube box icon.

1.4. Click on WEBAPP.

1.5. On the page add the application name and the URL of the application.

1.6. Click on next.

 2. Verify your domain

From this page, you can download the file and upload it to your application in order to verify your application is valid.

How can you use it:

2.1. Login to eCyLabs Security Center.

2.2. Click on applications from the side menu.

2.3. Click on the cube box icon.

2.4. Click on WEBAPP and verify the option.

2.5. Download the PDF verification file.

2.6. Upload it to your URL.

2.7. Confirm the successful upload by visiting the URL.

2.8. Click the verify button.

3. Code on page

To onboard the application a second option is the code on a page provided by eCyLabs, you can copy the code on the application onboarding page and paste the code in your application.

How can you use it:

3.1. Login to eCyLabs Security Center.

3.2. Click on applications from the side menu.

3.3. Click on the cube box shape icon.

3.4. Click on WEBAPP and verify the option.

3.5. Copy the code given.

3.6. Paste it to any hosted file of the domain.

3.7. Mention the file path on the below box.

3.8.Click Verify the domain.

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