How to install eCyLabs Modules?

eCyLabs Modules


Last Update há 3 anos

eCylabs security center is build on the NIST security framework using 5 key objectives of identify, detect, protect, respond and recovery, these are the five modules available in the eCylabs security center. To manage web application security, you can enable /disable any module based on your requirement. In the menu bar you can get into the admin then go to the module and install the module that is required for your needs. Once the module has been installed the respective features are enabled in the application.

On this page:

1. Identify

2. Protect

3. Detect

4. Respond

5. Recovery

1. Identify

Identify is a module that identifies an application’s virtual assets and it will discover all virtual assets that are associated with web applications and classify them based on the risk priority.

To view the module:

1.1. Login to eCyLabs Security Center
1.2. Click on admin from the side menu.
1.3. Select the modules menu from the drop-down.
1.4. Click on install under the identify module.

2. Detect

This module is used to detect the vulnerabilities and other security issues on the web application virtual assets. Each asset is considered as one application. The detect module provides various security profiles for discovering the security issues. Profiles such as OWASP top 10 scans, SQL injection, cross-site scripting attack, basic security check, Standard security configuration build issues, and various profiles have been used by the detect module to discover the issue.

To view the detect module:

2.1. Login to eCyLabs Security Center.

2.2. Click on the admin from the side menu.

2.3. Select the modules menu from the drop-down.

2.4. Click on install under the detect module.

3. Protect

eCylabs protect module is a web application firewall that provides security for the applications. It is also called eCyWAF and by default, it comes under OWASP top 10 core rules to protect web applications from OWASP top 10 categories. Additionally, ecylabs provides an option for custom rules created to prevent another attack from the security issue.

To view the Protect module:

3.1. Login to eCyLabs Security Center.

3.2. Click on the admin from the side menu.

3.3. Select the modules menu from the drop-down.

3.4. Click on install under the protect module.

3.5. You can view the protect module in the side menu.

4. Respond

If there are issues that require expert engagement you can leverage the ecylabs respond module to engage the security expert to work on the specific issue. It will convert the threat into a ticket and they will work with you on the respective ticket to resolve the issue.

To view the Respond module:

4.1. Login to eCyLabs Security Center.

4.2. Click on the admin from the side menu.

4.3. Select the modules menu from the drop-down.

4.4. Click on install under the protect module.

5. Recovery

The recovery module is a custom backup solution module that provides a disaster recovery solution for you to recover an application in case of any disaster for any of your applications infected by malware or malicious code.

To view the Recovery module:

5.1. Login to eCyLabs Security Center.

5.2. Click on the admin from the side menu.

5.3. Select the modules menu from the drop-down.

5.4. Click on install under the recovery module.

5.6. Profiles

6. Profiles

The module page has a link to the profile gallery if you click on the profile gallery for the respective module it provides a list of a security profile, scan profile, or backup profile that is available for each module. These profiles are growing every day, you can choose the profile based on their requirement.

To view the Profiles:

6.1. Login to eCyLabs Security Center.

6.2. Click on the admin from the side menu.

6.3. Select the modules menu from the drop-down.

6.4. Click on the profile button in each module to view the profile.

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