Granting access and managing user permissions in your organisation

Anussha Hari

Last Update 4 mesi fa

The eCyLabs security center granular provides you access control to the cloud portal. The application administrator can add, modify and delete users. If you are the administrator you can create access on the basis of what is allowed to be used by the users. The administrator can give access to one or multiple users to have control of certain areas and can also block them to use.

Accessing User Management:

1. Login to eCyLabs Security Center.

2. Click on the admin option from the side menu.

3. Click on users.

Managing Users:

1. Add the user:

a. Click the Add New User icon and fill in the fields.

b. View a list of added users and their status.

2. Control RBAC for users (organization administrators only):

a. To Block a user - Click the Lock button beside the user name.

b. To Delete a user - Click the red cross icon beside the user name.

4. Create a role:

Here, you can create any role you want for the user.

4.1. Login to eCyLabs Security Center.

4.2. Click on the admin option from the side menu.

4.3. Click on the role option.

4.4. Click on add role icon inside the assign the role box.

4.5. Give the name of the role.

4.6. Choose the controls you want to deny.

4.7. Click on create.

5. Assign role to a user:

Here, you can add a user and assign a role to a particular user. Additionally, you can give access to one or multiple users to have control of certain areas and can also block them to use.

5.1. Login to eCyLabs Security Center.

5.2. Click on the admin option from the side menu.

5.3. Click on the role tab.

5.4. Add a user and select the role.

6. Delete a role:

Here, you can delete the role you’ve assigned to the user.

6.1. Login to eCyLabs Security Center.

6.2. Click on the admin option from the side menu.

6.3. Click on the role option.

6.4. Click on add role icon inside the assign the role box.

6.5. Click on the dustbin icon under the role list.

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