Manage applications and it's risk status

Anussha Hari

Last Update 4 maanden geleden

In the Applications page, you can easily manage all your on boarded applications, monitor their risk status, and gain immediate insights into key details like application name, severity of discovered vulnerabilities, host and IP addresses. There are two ways to view the applications: cards or a table. Switch between them with a toggle button.

Choose your action through these dedicated buttons (in card view):

  1. Define: By leveraging the Appflow page, you can effortlessly configure your application's security assessment test criteria. For detailed guidance on test criteria, please refer to the document provided. Link: Appflow
  2. Tools: In the tools page you can upload manually tested security scan reports to the platform. For detailed guidance on the tools page, please refer to the document provided. Link: Data Extraction Tools
  3. Reports: On the Reports page, you can access threat assessment reports generated for the specific threat profile chosen during the scan. These reports are downloadable in PDF/Docx format. Link: Reports
  4. Share: Share security assessment reports with your customers directly from the platform and easily collaborate on remediation plans within the secure Security Center. Link: Share

In table view, you can see following information available:

  1. Assets: View the total number of assets discovered for onboarded application. For comprehensive details, click the button containing the asset count within this column. This will reveal a list of discovered assets.
  2. URLs: Find the number of discovered URLs in the URLs column. To view a list of these URLs, click the button displaying the count within the column.
  3. Threats: This column displays the overall number of threats detected for the onboarded application. To delve into the specifics, click the button displaying the threat count. It shows detailed information about each threat.
  4. Scan Schedule: Toggle this feature to initiate the task of displaying scan profiles. From this list, you can select and schedule scans according to your desired preferences.

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