Define test criteria for security assessment

Anussha Hari

Last Update 4 months ago

Define your test criteria with ease using the Appflow page, construct your assessment profile by simply dragging and dropping application components onto the workspace.

A Step-by-Step to design test criteria:

  1. Login to security center platform.
  2. Select "Application" from the sidebar menu.
  3. Choose the relevant application.
  4. Click the "Define" button associated with that application. This will redirect you to the Appflow page.
  5. Appflow offers a visual interface for intuitive test criteria creation.
  6. Refer to the "Sample" tab for pre-built examples or watch the "Reference Video" for visual guidance.
  7. Effortlessly drag and drop application components onto the workspace to build your assessment profile.
  8. Connect components logically to define the flow of your tests.

To Generate Scan Reference ID:

  1. For test criteria that necessitate a scan reference ID, follow these steps:
  • Click the "Settings" button.
  • Enter the necessary input details about the web application.
  • Appflow will generate a unique scan reference ID.

Schedule the Scan:

  1. Click the calendar button to access the scheduling options.
  2. Select the desired date and time for the scan to commence.

Save Your Configuration:

  1. Once you've finalized your test criteria, scan schedule, and click the "Save" button to preserve your configuration.

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